How Far Should Downspouts Drain from House

How Far Should Downspouts Drain from House

A downspout drain is composed of a vertical pipe that connects to the gutter on the top. It is used to direct water from the gutters to the ground and further away from the facade as well as the foundation of the house.

When it reaches the bottom of the facade, the downspout vertical pipe bends out and connects to another horizontal pipe that should run at least 4 to 6 feet from the house. The further it goes, the better it is for the stability of the foundation.

If this distance of 4-6 feet cannot be reached, the chances of getting water leaks in the basement are very high.

How do downspouts work

Downspouts are installed every 20 feet in areas with moderate rain. Places that experience many heavy storms during the year require more frequent downspouts.

Their main job is to keep water away from the house in order to prevent leaks in the basement that eventually lead to mold and rot.

For the downspout to work efficiently, the slope of the house needs to drop 6 inches every 6 feet away from the foundation. When this is done correctly, the water from the downspout cannot reach the house as gravity itself will push it away.

The design of downspouts

Downspouts are composed of a pipe that is usually made from aluminum. It is then extended with another aluminum material that runs for at least 4-6 feet. Gravel or rocks are put to the end of the downspouts to avoid erosion.

In addition, elbows are used to create a link between the downspouts and the extension. You can get them in plastic or metal. Make sure to clean the extension properly before installing elbows.

Why are downspout extensions important?

Downspout extensions are very important because downspouts usually go right next to the external wall and the facade. Therefore, an extension is needed to push water away from the wall. If a downspout extension is missing, then all the water would ruin the soffit, the fascia boards, and the paint of the house.

Contact us at RH Renovation NYC to install an extension to your downspout as soon as possible. Keep your yard dry and your home structure healthy with our help. Our team can come on-site and walk you through the process. In addition, we can provide you with a cost estimate for free before the project starts.

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